Our CSR commitment: Emphasizing proximity and responsiveness

At Presta International, we take pride in placing our environmental approach at the core of our business.

We believe in the importance of supporting our local partners, whether they are suppliers or service providers. Thanks to our extensive database, we consistently prioritize geographical proximity.

By reducing transportation distances, we contribute to the reduction of our business’s carbon footprint. Moreover, this approach enhances responsiveness in our services.

Our CSR Ambassadors at the Heart of Change

Presta International aspires to build a sustainable future, and we believe that commitment to CSR starts from within.

We acknowledge that each agency has its unique dynamics and priorities.

That’s why we have organized awareness sessions tailored to each agency. Our open exchanges have allowed every collaborator to grasp the role of businesses in collective challenges.

To bolster our commitment, we have chosen to appoint CSR representatives within each agency. These CSR ambassadors, two per agency, embody our commitment internally. They act as liaisons between the employees and management, working hand in hand to identify opportunities for continuous improvement. They guide actions, encourage creativity, and ensure that everyone contributes to our collective mission.

Our Agencies

Positive Aspects

  • Local Providers
  • 1 CSR Ambassador per Agency